© 2024 Jeremiah Yee
12 May 2023
As I draw this series to a close, it’s time to examine the tangible impact of our labor of love, SenseUs. How does it fare in the real world, and what does it mean for our users?
Since its launch on March 1st, SenseUs has grown into a vibrant community. We’ve amassed over 1000 users who have given more than 70,000 responses, posed over 1,600 questions, and made around 1,200 matches. The average engagement time stands at a promising seven minutes. For context, the average engagement time in the industry is 52 seconds for websites and 2-3 minutes for apps.
However, the numbers that truly validate our mission are slightly different. The average engagement time on our homepage is a staggering 16 minutes, supporting our hypothesis that people indeed enjoy answering questions and engaging in conversations.
Beyond the data, the real beauty of SenseUs lies in its human connections. Visit the platform, and you’ll witness genuine conversations happening – users discussing various topics in the comments, posing personal queries about life, friendships, and relationships, and even seeking companionship for their daily habits, like hugging a pillow to sleep at night.
The visual design of SenseUs has also been appreciated by our user base, particularly the colors, logo, and name. Our logo, two overlapping pie charts, symbolizes our data-driven approach. The overlapping charts and color gradient subtly communicate that multiple perspectives converge on the platform, symbolizing a space for open-mindedness and understanding of diverse views and life experiences. Moreover, the icon’s design can be interpreted as two heads engaged in conversation, reinforcing that SenseUs is not just about data, but meaningful human interaction.
In essence, our ethos is simple: we have questions for everyone. This statement is as literal as it gets. Non-users may find SenseUs an intriguing platform to pose their questions. Existing users can continue to interact and build connections. Importantly, the power of questions extends beyond the platform, sparking conversations among friends, families, and partners outside the app.
Our aim is not to have everyone on SenseUs, but to instigate a culture of inquiry and understanding. In an era saturated with information and answers, are we asking the right questions? Are we channeling our curiosity productively? SenseUs is our humble attempt to rekindle that spirit of curiosity and meaningful conversation.
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